Myopathie atypique - PSSM - Polysaccharide storage myopathy

Myopathie atypique les outils du vétérinaire - Dominique Votion

M. Delerue : Des coups de sang récurrents : la PSSM ?

Pierre TRITZ - Docteur mon cheval est bizarre Si c’était neurologique


"Polysaccharide storage myopathy is a common cause of exertional rhabdomyolysis, muscle soreness,
and weakness. The primary breeds affected are Quarter Horses, draft horses, and Warmblood
breeds. In Quarter Horses, the disease is known to have a genetic basis. Providing a diet low in
starch and high in fat and fiber in addition to gradually introducing daily exercise dramatically
improves clinical signs."
proceedings-06proceedings-z9100106000373.PDF ( Comprehensive run down on PSSM by leading researcher Stephanie J. Valberg

Exertional Myopathies in Horses - Musculoskeletal System - Merck Veterinary Manual (

Polysaccharide storage myopathy (PSSM) ( Treatment of low sugar diet and exercise, not dissimilar to laminitis !

Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy (PSSM) Disease Explained - Speaker: Dr. Stephanie Valberg, DVM, PhD

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